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Elevated Billing Solutions LLC (Company Overview)

Elevated Billing Solutions LLC is a company that specializes in providing comprehensive billing and revenue cycle management services to healthcare providers. These services typically include medical billing, coding, claims processing, accounts receivable management, and compliance with healthcare regulations.

Elevated Billing Solutions LLC is a company that specializes in providing comprehensive billing and revenue cycle management services to healthcare providers. These services typically include medical billing, coding, claims processing, accounts receivable management, and compliance with healthcare regulations.
Company Review
  • Years in Business – 6/10
  • Social Signals – 8/10

Company Information

Elevated Billing Solutions LLC is a company that specializes in providing comprehensive billing and revenue cycle management services to healthcare providers. These services typically include medical billing, coding, claims processing, accounts receivable management, and compliance with healthcare regulations.

Elevated Billing Solutions LLC

My business has worked with and used Elevated billing now for over 3 years as our billing partner. Over that time period, I have seen Elevated improve, fine-tune and attempt to perfect a well-working billing solution. Insurance is extremely difficult to work with, so it helps to have a solid team of responsive, experienced and hard working individuals advocating for your patients, to ensure they receive the care and coverage that they deserve. Special shout-out to Daniel Grant, who is relentless at ensuring that my business is satisfied with Elevated’s approach and getting us what we need.
As a Clinical Director at a substance abuse agency, I work very closely with Elevated Billing. They are incredibly helpful at doing everything they can to help us get accurate authorizations and to ensure that all of our services are billed correctly. Every staff member that I have interacted with have been helpful, kind and professional. I would recommend them 100%.
We have worked closely with the team at Elevated Billing and are very pleased with our outcomes. They are dedicated professionals and a vital partner to our company. Any organization looking to outsource facets of the medical billing process (Verification of Benefits, Utilization Reviews, Claim Submission, Adjudication Monitoring, Claim Follow-up), Elevated and their teams can do it…and do it well!

We highly recommend Elevated Billing!!
From the verification of benefits clear through fighting for A/R, Elevated does it all and they do a damn good job of it. We’ve worked together for several years and I am grateful for each and every one of the Elevated team. JaCee is our account rep and she is the best. If you are remotely thinking about Elevated, I encourage you to try them out. You will be happy you did. -Ben Randolph CEO
Hi! My name is Melisa and I am the owner/consultant for Tablada Recovery Services. We provide much needed resources and services to the addiction industry. My clients love working with Daniel Jacobson and the Elevated Billing team. Daniel offers wonderful customer service and support to my clients who use them and Elevated is definitely in the know when it comes to billing trends and maximizing revenue. They are ethical and one of the billing companies I highly suggest working with.
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